Sunday, February 22, 2015

Something Good

A man walks into a Catholic Church and into the confessional. He blurts out, “I had sex with my wife six times yesterday”. The priest says, “ I notice That you are wearing a Star of David. Are you Jewish?” The man replies, ‘Yes, I am.” The priest says, “ You are Jewish and you are in a Catholic Church confessional telling me that you had sex with your wife six times, which is not a sin. Why are you telling me this?’ I HAD to tell someone,” the man replied.

So, if something great or even good happened to you and you want to tell someone, like you started a new job that you love, or you sold a Sherpa, or one of my great grandchildren made the Honor Roll, or you closed the sale of a prime property, send me an e-mail and tell me about it. I love to hear when something good happens to one of my family. IT MAKES MY WHOLE DAY.